Monday, November 19, 2007

Snow at 1500'

Zoe and I pushed off early this morning to catch Ronda, Trisha, and Susan in the Gorge for a rainy, waterfall-gushing two hour run. Zoe, excited to sport her new rain coat with fleece underside, was all about the hills. Trisha got the prize for fastest downhill despite Zoe's attempt to cut her off by cruising off trail to skip the

Game is apparently back on as I have committed to sign up for the Cuckanut 50K coming up in March. I'm looking forward to racing with Ronda, Tom and Stacey. My one goal for my third time at this distance is to finish smiling and comfortable. If I accomplish this, then we can talk about 50 miles.

Today also included a crossfit workout. I raced home after the run in time to make the 1200 class. Caleb met me there and we knocked out: 10 rounds of: 200m row, 15 DB thrusters, and a rope/hanging ladder climb. The Thrusters were killing us all. But I finished the workout. Which felt like quite an accomplishment after our 2 hour run. Going to have to come up with some type of training schedule for the run. Will be interesting to see how crossfit and diet play into performance on race day. :]

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