Meet Hydeia and Stephanie. Hydeia is my new Little Sister. Stephanie is her Aunt. The three of us have committed to Hydeia and I spending time together once week for at least a year and hopefully more! I was nervous as I drove to meet both Hydeia and Stephanie. I thought, "What if they don't like me? what if we have nothing in common?"...the questions went on and on. Turns out I had nothing to worry about. Shannon, our match specialist, was awesome and ready with fun questions like, "like if you could be a cat or a dog...which would it be?" When Hydeia answered, "A dog." I knew we were definitely sisters.
We spent about an hour talking over the rules, regulations, guidelines, suggestions and anything else Big Brothers/Big Sisters felt prudent to write down. We made easy work of the document with Hydeia volunteering to start the reading. Hydeia is 12 years old. My initial impressions of her are that she's smart, caring, kind, honest, curious and enthusiastic. We made a list of 15 things we hope to do in our meetings. Next week we will scratch off number one and take some turns around the local mall. If we have time we'll ice skate- or maybe just check into it for next time. If anyone has other suggestions for great low-cost or free outings...please let us know!! For now I'm psyched to learn more about Hydeia and math. She says she needs work on her math homework. I'm looking forward to trying to remember what I forgot about math.
Crossfit WoD today:
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.
BW Squats x 10 (I did 2 rounds at 125, three at 115)
15 ring push-ups (I modified with rubber bands)
Afternoon: Easy run with girls. 6 x 30 second strides up hill. No limping for Emma or me. Good to be injury free.
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